Eton Mills
CEO, President and Founder, Council for Global Evangelisation
"From since Law School and conversion at Campus, Makerere University, grand theme of my life remains Old Rugged Cross, emblem of suffering and shame, where the dearest and best, for a world of lost sinners was slain."

Being thrust into Christianity from a complex socio-political history, uprooted from Rwanda, surviving a childhood in the Congo, Uganda’s refugee camps, Idi Amin and aftermath of his brutal dictatorship, the whole trauma of existential Tutsi predicament and the incomprehensibility of a people’s fate in exile in the wake of an horrific genocide.
By Providence, making it to prestigious Makerere University and reading law, and then turning Marxist-Leninist. Amidst this turbulent world, God found me. But I do not know that my future lies in the West, in Metropolis of Australian city, and there to be confronted by the astral powers of Hindu sorcerers and high priestesses of occult underground.
In the face of this invisible war, Jesus shall visit my house, and gripped by the power of the dazzling luminescence of His appearance, I then enter upon calling of Destiny: wonder-world of the historic Messianic Mission: Preaching the Kingdom of God.
Encounter strategic level evangelism, preaching the Kingdom of God in the nations.
Eton Mills is President and Founder of Council for Global Evangelisation and here are some of the astonishing exclamatory expressions of those who have had a close encounter of this man and his work.
Israel, Jerusalem: A woman missionary of 50 years witnessing the power of God and the dramatic expulsion of demons exclaimed “This is Benny Hinn without the entourage”.
Indonesia: “This is city impact, we haven’t such a man in Indonesia”.
Costa Rica: “This is like Billy Graham, this is like Luis Palau, this is like Jimmy Swaggart. We need this in Latin America”.
Chile, Santiago: “This Evangelist’s Anointing, we haven’t such a man in Chile. Please lay hands on me!”.
Ghana, Accra: Parliament House - “We haven’t such a man in Africa”.
Vanuatu, Port Vila: A missionary of 50 years, “Evangelist of all time!”.
Australia, Darwin: A woman witnessed her daughter get healed of cancer and she observed, “We haven’t seen this since Kathryn Kuhlman”.
South Africa, Johannesburg: A young woman saw the power of God and ran out into the street to bring in the sick, and subsequently witnessing the healing of the paralytic then shouted “This is our Benny Hinn”.
Zambia, Lusaka: A young Christian minister said “This is the ancient anointing”.

FROM CLOSE-UP: Rod Ludlow, Top Aide, Associate and Confrere - from inception of Council for Global Evangelisation.
Eton Mills, God’s ideologue, purest of hearts, a champion of God’s mandate - Redemption and Salvation. Christ and His Kingdom, that is Eton Mills life-long devotion.
A present voice to the world, he knows no bounds. His smile captivates you! His warmth will inspire you. Advisor to those that will listen, a friend and helper in need, it doesn’t matter what walk of life you are from, rich or poor, God’s love can be seen through him.
An effervescent advocate of the kingdom of God, he will inspire you to think about something ‘bigger’ than yourself: a Grander Plan!
As an international geopolitical commentator of historical and modern-day events, Eton Mills is able, in broad strokes, to bring matters of faith in line with clearly discernible historical biblical timelines.
Having travelled and witnessed events first hand for many years I know no other person alive today that has the capacity, knowledge and insight – the intellectual scheme of that gospel whose construct is so magnificently laid out by the apostle Paul.

FROM THE ARTS: Morgan Elissa Grace, Professional Artist, Singer/Songwriter.
"His smile lights up every room. When I think of Eton I am reminded what it looks like to carry excellence, Mentality of Prince of Peace, so to speak, Kingdom, be it in the political, educational, social or spiritual milieu. Mostly I just love him for him".
Morgan has been on the Gospel tour with us to Accra Ghana, and travelling together through Portugal and the UK.

ON THE GROUND: Michael McRitchie, Photographer, now based in the UK.
"Living in rural Geelong late 1994, a contract fitter and just floating in life, I decided to move and work in Melbourne, ‘The Big Smoke’, we called it – and I landed a job at Williamstown Dockyard building 10 frigate warships for the Navy. The pay was terrible but I had a steady job. My life had been taken up with working in gold mines, racing motorbikes, cycle racing and I’d enjoyed having a single figure handicap in golf – I wasn’t much of a drinker, so sport suited me fine."
‘With Jesus your life will be so much better’, Bernie my brother told me, ‘like you’re getting a new heart’.
"I started to read every story in the bible and I found myself believing. What a new world for me."
"One day at the shipyards Steve, a Christian guy, invited me to go to a gospel meeting in the heart of the city, a place notorious for miracles and healing power through Christ’s name, which today is called Council for Global Evangelisation."
"That was it. There I was healed from top to bottom. There I found the major missing piece in my life, and I had absolute clarity now that all the answers in life would come out of the gospel of Christ. Geez I felt great inside! This was what I was looking for all my life."
"Years later I took up an offer to go to Dominican Republic. This trip fulfilment of a vision the evangelist Eton Mills had seen some 15 years ago! In the capital Santo Domingo, I settled into the Bellevue, a classical French hotel. But it is the 17 hour road trip from Punta Cana on the east side of the country to Cap-Haitian and onward to Pignon both in Haiti that proved to be the great adventure."
"Within 10 minutes of arrival at Pignon, we saw ahead a procession, the column of Haitians making their way down the main street to the city grounds to hear the gospel. A glance at the watch and it was 10pm. Mr Mills preached and people got saved like no tomorrow. And we ate our dinner finally at 2.30am, slept a couple of hours and hit the road again early."
"Dominican Republic has since been truly Gateway to the Americas with Mr Mills going on from Port Au Prince Haitian capital to preach to Latin America: Columbia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia."
"And I, who it seemed like I fell short in life, this gospel of Christ it filled all the voids. Being strapped with the cameras and capturing the big event, that is the least I can do for God. Seeing it from the ground and capturing the gospel in images makes Jesus evermore the intimate and closer Saviour. You've got to be there to see it."
THROUGH THE LENS: Rebekah Ludlow, Professional Photographer and Researcher on History of Jewish Holocaust.
"Eton is a natural born leader, and a torch bearer. His passion and the Spirit's work brings healing and purpose into people's lives through the gospel. His power and presence draws in the people no matter if they were 'strong deniers'". A young scholar on the Holocaust, Monash University, who shares with the Evangelist a deep passion for books proudly says of him, "He is a 'true survivor' and charismatic person who lets the word of God flow through him."

BROADENING HORIZONS: Tim Keegan, IT Education Specialist.
Fiji, Nadi and Labasa 2005
"The atmosphere was electric. Being at a gospel event for the first time is something that you want to reflect back on. The Holy Spirit on centre stage and the power of the Word in demonstration, it's just Jesus alive!"
"It was a massive leap of faith. I had heard about people being saved and healed in these public events, but I had to see it for myself."
"Also, this was the first time that I had been overseas, so I was doubly out of my comfort zone."
"Being part of the gospel is such an enriching experience. I went in with the idea that we had a job to do, and that I needed to broaden my horizons. I went with the thought that I would do whatever I could to help, anything, the lighting for instance, which I ended up attending to. If prayer was needed - and really being available, that I found, was just the key."
"The reward – seeing people’s lives changed in such a tangible way, and people being saved, the incurable healed, is truly a profoundly transforming experience. Coming back home, I had a totally different outlook, and a sense of what real Christianity was all about, and as a result, I have gained a much deeper understanding of who I am as a person in Christ."

A former Anglican minister, a life-long pastor and teacher of faith over many decades, who dedicated enormous financial support to this work, when travelling with Council for Global Evangelisation said,
"I have witnessed in these events all the miracles of the bible except walking on the water. This is the Great Adventure".

“My name is Sam De Waal born in 1978 on a farm with 3 siblings which are also musical. Growing up as a Pastor's son was very difficult and challenging. In 2001 I went on an International Gospel Music Tour and early 2002 I met evangelist Eton Mills at a conference in Cape Town, South Africa. That specific weekend I was supposed to be my mother's driver as my dad went to another conference on the Northern Cape. I got a call to come and minister at the conference where I meet the evangelist and his team.”
Eton Mills: Sammy De Waal is unique. He seemed just made for mass evangelism platform. De Waal had that touch on the instrument that’s just the soul winner’s dream. So immediately he joined the crew.
“At the time as a young music producer, it wasn't easy just to make a studio appointment or get recordings done, but after explaining my musical vision with evangelist Mills, he immediately made a funds transfer to buy me studio time.”
“In March 2003 I flew in from Cape Town to perform live on stage with the evangelist during the Gospel event at Ivory Park in Johannesburg. Later that year we travelled to Kigali Rwanda where 3000 young people got saved over a period of four days. I was joined in Kigali by my late friend and best friend Peter Edmund Michaels, himself an extremely talented musician. We had some awesome experiences, seeing God work with the man of God.
Today I am still part of his ministry and doing music professionally, and working with a good deal of well-known recording artists in my country, as well as mentoring young musicians and teaching music.”
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