Redefining Evangelism for All Time
At Council for Global Evangelisation, our pledge is to New Testament Apostolic Prototype ‘Preaching the Kingdom of God’.
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euaggelion. good news.
'Why should it not be possible for God to raise up witnesses from this world…so that true words are uttered and heard.' Karl Barth
Nothing is so thrilling, so riveting like a gospel event. Imagine staging, massive towering speakers and sound systems! There is no happier place on earth.
When the stage was set and the prayers were prayed then it was God's grace meets our faith; then all things were possible. Nothing God to withhold.
Everything then was a miracle and all the world was in bloom. Then we went home, until next time.
Evangelism isn't just spreading the word 'Jesus loves you, here are some shoes'. The earth often is the haunt of devils and the world likely is also blighted by disease. Proclaim Jesus and you dismantle infrastructure of Satan; advance miracle power and his oppressive regime shall cease. Call in the Holy Spirit and his towers shall totter and fall.
Going out with the gospel, that's what the apostles do. Going into nations, as it were on war-footing - that's what makes us true.
Eton Mills
President, Council for Global Evangelisation
About Eton Mills
Your Partnership in the Kingdom
It takes resources and generous support from friends like you to preach the Kingdom of God
In-depth Table Talk
In a world of celebrity entrepreneurs, thought leaders, slick enterprise gurus, we offer you Messianic Hour, our In-depth Table Talk and nothing is off the table.
Revealed: Why They Hate Israel and The Jews...
Why hate the Jew? Why kill the Jew for centuries? for millennia? Why do they have to be on the run? Why do they have to be tied to the words ‘wandering jew’ when they had a home? Why do they have to fight for the right to exist? The right to be? Their right to have a home? Why do they have to negotiate for their existence?

100 Years Under Assault:
Western Christian Civilisation and the Problem of Spiritualism
When the Founding Fathers of a nation dabble in Spiritualism and engage in seances, epithet of Christian nation soon enough was proven to be a false notion. This is what happened in Australia at Federation year, 1901. Then that began to change on May 19, 1992.

The world needs more than Evensong, Episcopal Canticles. Humanity is in the grip of a devastating alienation. Creation is fundamentally dislocated. It has been so since the primordial chaos.
'Messiah gathers the nations. Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be. Genesis 49:10' J.C. Hoekendijk